Rehabilitation and Geriatric Services
Brisbane Private Hospital offers rehabilitation programs for inpatients.
Our dedicated rehabilitation team includes specialist clinicians, rehabilitation nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, as well as speech therapists and dieticians who visit as required.
We offer programs which are suited to the individual’s needs, with consideration to their on-going needs post discharge.
Our friendly team provides expert care to help each patient get ‘back on their feet’ and increase their confidence and independence.
Our programs include:
- Chronic conditions which are currently managed at home, but would benefit from rehabilitation therapy
- Neurological programs including post neurosurgery
- Orthopaedic programs including upper and lower limb surgery
- Reconditioning programs including following surgical and medical events
- Spinal surgery.
If you would like more information about the service please contact the Rehabilitation Nurse Unit Manager on (07) 3834 6240.